
Osamu Tezuka _Jumping


Pink Floyd - The Wall_Gerald Scarfe Animation 
Malice in Wonderland_Vince Collins
78 Tours, by Georges Schwizgebel

activity05_pill world

Drawing the object in the sketchbook: linear,multiple viewpoints, tonal movement, variety.


the world of the pillinternet research
the world of the pill, photo experience

activity03_analysing the brief

.List some of the key words and phrases that help to identify some of the problems and challenges of the brief who, if anyone, is this project aimed at? "bring objects to life...", "The interplay between production and delivery...", " New Media has become a ubiquitous term...", ideas needs to be documented".

.Do you have a target audience? no really

.What should be your inspiration and/or the starting point for the project? 
side effects, psychotropic drugs, herbs and medicinal plants, addiction¿?

.What are the limitations of the brief? objects

.What resources do you think you will need? sketchbook, illustrator, photoshop, flash...
.Can you identify any potential areas of required research?
medicine, psychology, psychiatry, sociology